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54.15 Filter an Invoice

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54.15.1 Open Filter screen


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In Invoice Screen, press the "Filter" button to open the Filter screen


The Field Name column corresponds to a field in the screen (Invoice Screen). Identify the correct field you want to define as a criteria. If you cannot find the field under the "Field name", add it. For information on how to add a field, refer to "Add a Field in the Filter" section in this Latitude How To Guide.


Enter the first criteria in the "First Criteria" column, the second in the "Second Criteria" and so on


Enter a number in the 'Show' column to display the field on the list


Click the List button to preview


Click Show Detail button to apply the filter



NOTE: Criteria entered for the same field are interpreted as "Or" (e.g. First Criteria = a* and Second Criteria = b*, is read as "a* OR b*")