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54.10 Progress Claim Invoice

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54.10.1 Create an invoice based on the percentage of work (Task) completed or based on work hours (Qty).


54.10.2 Create predefined task names


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From the Latitude Ribbon command -> click Look Tables

Click Task + Quote + Invoice Task

Select Task (default)

Enter Code, Name, Text, Resource Type (optional), Qty (total quoted hours), Cost Rate, Charge Rate, Units, Sort (optional)


54.10.3 Add Task to a Job


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Go to Job / Project -> click Task tab

Add Task. For more information on adding Tasks refer to the "What are Tasks" Category in this How To Guide.


54.10.4 Review Tasks


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Before creating an Invoice, make sure to update the Actual Qty (Progress Task Qty) or % Done (Progress Task Percent).


If using Progress Task Qty

For Progress Task Qty to work, Timesheets must have Task Codes

Open Job / Project -> click Task tab -> click 'Update Actual' button


If using Progress Task Percent

Open Job / Project -> click Task tab -> while in the Task List, double click each applicable task and enter the task completion in the Task Item's '% Done' field. Update the field until the task is completed (100%). The '% Done' field is also shown in the Task List when you open the Job / Project -> Task tab.


54.10.5 Create the Invoice


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Go to Job / Project -> click Invoice tab -> Click New Inv

If this is the first of a series of Progress Claim Invoices, the default "Claim No" field value is '1'. The next Invoice will be an increment of the previous Invoice

Select Fill from:


Progress Task Percent

Progress Task Percent - grouped by Type

Progress Task Qty

Progress Task Qty - grouped by Type

Tick 'Include' for each task you want to include in the invoice

Click 'Fill Invoice' button


The multi-line invoice will be filled with values from the Task and the following fields are populated:


For Progress Task Qty

Qty = Actual Qty; The actual hours spent on the task. You can change the Qty value while in the invoice but it does not update the Task's Actual Qty field.

Rate = Task Charge Rate

Prior Claim = Sum of previous progress claim invoice(s) ex Tax amts on this job & task (i.e. < current Claim #)

Ex Tax = (Rate * Qty) - Prior Claim


For Progress Task Percent

Qty = % Done; percentage completed in decimal. You can change the Qty value while in the invoice but it does not update the Task's % Done field.

Rate = Task Charge amount

Prior Claim = Sum of previous progress claim invoice(s) ex Tax amts on this job & task (i.e. < current Claim #)

Ex Tax = (Rate * Qty) - Prior Claim


54.10.6 Print the Progress Claim Invoice


Print the invoice using any of the default Invoice Templates or create/re-use the Word template for Progress Claims (Business Edition / Corporate Edition ONLY). The template for Progress Task Percent is different from Progress Task Qty. For more information about Word Templates refer to the "How do I create Word Documents using Latitude Data (Business Edition / Corporate Edition ONLY)" Category in this How To Guide.