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54.9 Crew Invoice

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54.9.1 Timesheet - grouped by Crew


Create an invoice on a Job assigned to multiple staff (crew) with a specific crew rate. The total Qty (hours) is calculated using the sum of the allocated timesheets charge amount divided by the crew rate.


Example: A Surveyor works for 8hrs @$100/hr and a Survey Tech works for 4hrs @$70/hr on a Job with an assigned crew rate of $200/hr. The total Qty is [(8X100)+(4X70)]/200 = 5.4hrs


Crew Invoicing does not affect Timesheets. Calculation of Crew Rates happens only during invoicing when Timesheet - grouped by Crew is selected.


To use Crew Type you need to define the Crew Types you use and Assign it either to a Work Type or Job Charge Override depending on how you use it.


54.9.2 Add a Crew Type


click here to zoom


Go to Lookup Tables -> click Crew Type

Enter Code, Name Unit , Rate, Sort (optional) and tick Current


54.9.3 Assign a Crew Type to a Work Type


click here to zoom


Go to Lookup Tables -> click Work Type

Add a Work Type or if the Work Type already exist then assign a Crew Type. The values in the Crew column is from the Crew Type Lookup Table.


54.9.4 Assign a Crew Type to a Job


click here to zoom


Open Job / Project and select a Job to assign a Crew

Click Charge tab

Assign the Crew Types under Crew Rate

When you select a Crew Type the default Crew Type Rate appears. You can manually override and enter a different Rate.


54.9.5 Override Work Type - Crew Type Link


Select a Work Type and override the Rate using a Crew Type Rate.


54.9.6 Create an Crew Invoice


click here to zoom


Create a New Invoice

Click Timesheets tab and allocate Timesheets

Click Multi-line tab

Click Timesheet - grouped by Crew

Click 'Yes' to append


Only Timesheets with Work Types assigned with Crew Rate or Job with Crew override will be included.