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49.5 Securing your information

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49.5.1 You can set a password for a Topic to secure your information. The information becomes available only to those who have the password.


Select the Category and Topic you want to set a password for.


On the right pane of the Topic, enter a password into the Password box.


WARNING: Remember the password you have used as, without it, you will not be able to access the particular item again.


49.5.2 To open a secured Topic, select the Category and Topic you want to open from the Category and Topic columns. In the "Get Password" dialog box, enter the password and press the "Accept" button.


49.5.3 You can also make a Topic read-only. There are two ways to do so.


The first way is to simply select the "View Only" option without setting a password. The text is read-only for all users.


Note that the "View Only" option and password field can still be edited.


49.5.4 Alternatively, you can first open the Topic and set a password to the Topic by entering a password in the Password box and then select the "View Only" check box.


Now this topic can be edited by users who have the password. For others, it is read-only.


To open a Topic in "View Only" (for Topics which have a password set and "View Only" selected), select the Category and Topic you want to open from the Category and Topic columns. In the "Get Password" dialog box, press the "View Only" button without entering any password.


To open such Topic in edit mode, enter the password and press the "Accept" button.


49.5.5 To remove the password from an item, open the item using the appropriate password, and when open clear the password. Make sure it is properly cleared as any remaining characters (even spaces) will become the new password.