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42.5 Adding Criteria to the Filter

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42.5.1 Adding Criteria to the Filter


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Double Click on the Filter screen

The Filter Setup has Five (5) columns


Label - Enter a name of the field that you want to appear on the Field Name column of the Filter screen


FileName - Constant. Enter the same value e.g. tblClients


Field - Select a field name from the drop down list. This field corresponds to the screen where you clicked the Filter button. If you clicked the Filter from the Business Contacts then the "Field" column will list all fields of the Business Contact screen.


Sort: - Enter a number. This number will be used in sorting Field Names in the Filter screen in ascending order.


Type - Enter the field type such as Text (for text fields), Boolean (for tick boxes), Date (for Date fields).


Close the Filter Setup screen

Close the Filter screen

Click the Filter button again and it now displays the newly added field as one of the criteria


NOTE: Do not enter a blank space or create a new line in the filter. This will cause the filter to include the character in the search and will not return a result.


42.5.2 Add a Field in Query Builder


Double Click on the Field in Criteria in the Query Builder screen to get the Filter Setup screen

Follow the same procedures described above

After closing the Filter Setup screen, press F9 and click the dropdown arrow to select the newly added field.