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37.4 Register Item Notifications

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37.4.1 To create/edit register item notifications:

See "Main" -> click "Business Contact"

Go to the company you are interested in

Click the "Register" button

Click the "Add Item" button

Pick a register type in the "Type" list

Enter the date when the notification to appear

Click "OK" to create the register item

Field descriptions:

"Status" - Optional. See "Define Notify Status"

"Notify" - Pick the group or employee to send the notification

"Notify Time" - exact time the notification pops up. Supersedes the Setup configuration. Requires Microsoft Exchange and Outlook

"Remind Them" - day, hour & minute prior to the actual notification. Requires Microsoft Exchange and Outlook

"Subject" - Enter the brief description of the notification

"Body" - Enter the details of the notification

Attach screenshots, images, documents and other files that relate to this register item

Click the "Browse" button to attach files

If you have the file explorer already opened, drag the files you want to attach and drop them into the register item