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35.2 Task Lookup

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35.2.1 Create predefined Task Names that you can select from the Task Name field and auto-fill the Desc field using the Text (Task Description).


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From the Latitude Ribbon command -> click Lookup Tables

Click Task/Quote/Inv Text + Delivery Addr

Select Task (default)


35.2.2 Enter the following:


Code - a short alphanumeric code that is easily recognisable


Name - short name that appears on the task name


Text - Task Description that appears on quote when a task is used to generate quotes


Resource Type (optional) - Skill, Department


Qty - Total quoted hours for the type of task, if available


Cost/Charge Rate - enter the task Cost and Charge Rate


Units - dropdown to select


Sort - The order in which the task appears on the dropdown list (Optional)


Current - Tick to include in the Task Name dropdown list