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29.11 Client References (Business Edition / Corporate Edition ONLY)

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29.11.1 Enter the client references for the current job. Latitude provides five categories that a reference can be grouped under. Use the custom fields procedure to give names to these categories, using the Control Names; lblClientRef1 .. lblClientRef5


29.11.2 Client Ref Details:

Ref Type - select one of the five categories under which client references can be grouped

Reference Number - enter the reference provided by the client

Status - set the current state of the reference 'Current' or 'Closed'

Max Amount - optionally enter the maximum amount authorized for this reference by the client (ie. The maximum amount that should be invoiced against it). The field is used for reference purposes.

Est Hrs - optionally enter the expected chargeable work hours relating to the authorized piece of work

Usage - enter a brief description on when employees should use this reference

Rules/Procedures - enter the instructions for employees on the usage of the client references. Clicking the 'Build from Usage' button will generate default text based on the Usage values entered against the individual references.