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24.3 What you can do

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24.3.1 Rename Field Labels


Change or Rename a field label. For example, you may want to rename "txtUserField1" to "Good Payer".


24.3.2 Make a field Mandatory.


This means that you cannot save a record without entering a value in the Mandatory field. Be very careful when you make a field Mandatory, as users may enter bad data just to save the record. Avoid making a field mandatory unless it is necessary.


Also note that the Mandatory option is only available for Fields on the Business Contacts and Job Information screens.


24.3.3 Make a field Invisible, Disabled and/or Locked.


Invisible means the field disappears from the screen.


Disabled means the field is visible but it is greyed and locked.


Locked means that the field appears as normal, but you cannot make any changes to the field.


24.3.4 Generate a Next Job Number.


For information on this topic, refer to the "How do I use the Job Number/Folder Generator" Category Topic.