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19.2 Enter the State/Province details

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19.2.1 Enter State/Province.


1) Enter State/Province code, such as NSW and VIC


2) Enter State/Province name, such as NEW SOUTH WALES and VICTORIA


3) Select if the State/Province is current or not. You will only see the current states in drop down lists


4) Enter the sort order. In drop-down lists, the states are listed in ascending order of these values. All states with sort=1 will appear before those with sort=2.


19.2.2 When you enter a State/Province in data entry screens, you are not limited to entering a State/Province that you have entered on this lookup screen. However, to prevent users from entering an invalid State/Province, it is recommended that you setup all valid State/Province's.


When you are entering a State/Province in data entry screens, if the State/Province you want to enter is not on the drop down list, you can add a new State/Province or make an existing State/Province current by double clicking the State field to open the State/Province screen.