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16.3 Import from MYOB

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16.3.1 Export Customer Cards from MYOB:


1) From the MYOB Menu, go to File, click on Export Data, click on Cards and then click Customer cards

2) Set Export File Format to "Tab-delimited" and the First Record to "Header Record".

2) Click Continue, click Match All and then click Export

3) Save as CUST.TXT in C:\Lat99. Note the location and name of the Export File, as you will have to set Latitude to import from there.


MYOB creates a LOG file (MYOBLOG.TXT) located in the main MYOB directory. This serves as a guide in resolving import issues. Open the Log file and review all records with errors, skipped, or with warnings


16.3.2 Import Customer Cards into Latitude:


1) On the Home screen, click "Finance" and select "Accounting Link"

2) In the "Group" list select "Link MYOB"

3) In the "Name" list, select "MYOB - Import Cards (Clients and Contacts) from MYOB v..." (Select the appropriate version number)

4) Press the "Preview" button. (or you can double-click the Report Name)

5) Enter the location and name of your MYOB Export File to the box "Enter the import text file name including path", and press "OK".

6) All Imported Customers are listed on the Report

7) Close the report.