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13.2 Enter details for each item of Equipment

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13.2.1 Enter description and model of the piece of Equipment.


13.2.2 Enter the purchase details and product details (serial number and barcode).


If your business has more than one "Core Business", you can assign one of the core businesses to the Equipment as a default when entering its Timesheet. In this case, in "CBCode" field, select a "Core Business" from the drop down list.


NOTE: Do not set CB Codes unless Latitude Support has directed you to use them.


New Equipment -> Sort field

Controls the sorting of equipment items in the Timesheet screen


13.2.3 Enter the location where the Equipment is stored.


13.2.4 Enter Details of the Equipment.


13.2.5 When Equipment is sold, replaced or destroyed, set it as inactive by selecting Inactive and enter the relevant date in the Sold Date.


13.2.6 Equipment Allow or Disallow Timesheet Entry Option


This Controls whether a piece of equipment can have timesheets entered for its use. Useful for situations where you want to be able to record (and charge for) time for data loggers & instruments, but not for computers or vehicles.


To allow staff to record timesheets, select the 'Allow time entry' option. Select blank to prevent equipment timesheet entry


New "Supplier" dropdown in the Equipment screen to assign supplier of the equipment


13.2.7 The Notes tab is used to hold other information about the equipment. Use the File column to link equipment to equipment calibration, vehicle registration documents etc.