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12.1 Open the Employees screen

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12.1.1 From the Home screen, click "Management" and click on "Employees" to open the "Employees" screen.


Give each of your employees a unique code. A good idea is to use their initials or for larger organizations, the first four letters of their surname and then their initials e.g. An employee named Sean David Harris, the code would be "HARRSD".


12.1.2 A new Employee can be added by pressing the button with a black triangle and an asterisk at the bottom left of the screen, or you can start entering an Employee Code over an existing Employee Code, and press Enter.


If entering an Employee Code over an existing code:


If the Employee Code you have just entered already exists, then you will be taken to the record.


If the Employee Code does not exist, then you will be asked "This record does not exist, do you want to create it". Select "Yes" if you want to create it, or "No" if you do not.


If you say "No", then you will be asked "Do you want to change the value of the key field of this record". Pay extra attention to this question, as by saying "Yes" Latitude will change the Employee Code of the record you were on to the Employee Code you have just entered. If you say "No", then the new Employee Code will be disregarded and it will revert to where you were before you entered it.



Employee Details

The Employee screen contains several tabs for you to enter more information on each employee. Most of them are optional so if you need to see them, you can hide them, see Setup -> Task/Emp -> Hide Employee Tabs