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4.4 Jobs

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4.4.1 All the details for a specific job are held in the Latitude Job. A job can be comprised of any number of tasks. Employee time can be recorded against the Job as a whole, or against individual Tasks within a job.


Before you can enter a Job, you must setup the following information:

Billing Types

Job Status

Job Data



4.4.2 Billing Types


The Billing Type refers to the basic way in which the Job will be billed. Each type can be flagged as "Fixed Priced" and/or "Non-Chargeable"


4.4.3 Job Status (Status)


Job Status is designed to allow you to easily determine what stage a job is in. Each Job Status has two flags which can be set, "Dis-Allow Timesheets" and "Job Closed".


"Dis-Allow Timesheets": When this flag is set, no new timeslips can be entered for a job.


"Job Closed": When this flag is set, no new Invoices can be created for this job. The flag also excludes the job from some reports, and removes it from the drop down lists of available jobs.



4.4.4 Job Data


The easiest way to create a Job is to click on the ‘New Job’ button in the Jobs tab of a Client. This automatically links the job to the Client. Creating a Job manually requires the following data;


Job Number: The Job Number can be any combination of letters and numbers, excluding spaces. Latitude can also be set up to auto-generate Job Numbers. The auto-generator is set up in the "Custom Fields" section of Latitude, please see the Latitude User Guide if you wish to use this feature.


Billing Type: Select one of the Billing Types set up earlier


Job Date: Enter the date for the Job, this field will be the current system date by default.


Status: Select a Job status that was set up earlier.


Client Code: You may enter a client, or select a client created earlier. This will be prefilled if creating the Job from the Client.


The following fields are optional, but if entered complete a full job description;


Job Name: Enter a short name for the job.


Job Description: A longer description of the job. This will be defaulted to what is in the Job Name. If you have set up standard job descriptions, you may select one of these instead. If a standard description is selected you may modify it as needed.


Job Type: Select a job type created earlier.


Custom Data Entry: To enter custom data for a job select the ‘User Field’ tab. Contained on this tab are twenty text boxes, and five date options. When entering custom data regarding a job, ensure to use the “Custom Fields” section to change the label. This change will appear throughout Latitude once completed. Changing the label will make using these fields to do operation such as searching and sorting easier.


NOTE: If your job will have different phases, each with a different billing rate it is recommended that you create separate jobs for each phase.