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3.3 Job Site Details

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3.3.1 Defining a Jobs' Location in Latitude


The location of a job is entered in the Site tab of the Job. It is possible to enter the Site address, Map co-ordinates (Longitude and Latitude), and links to Land/Legal Descriptions.


The Site Address is the standard street address of the job and is composed of an address text field, a city name, the post/zip code, and the country. It is possible to ask the system to determine the approximate Longitude and Latitude from the Site Address. This is accomplished by sending a request to a web service, so an internet connection is required.


With an internet connection co-ordinates can be used to launch a request to show the job on a map. The job will be centered and identified on the map with it's Number, Expected End Date, Job Name and Client Code. The map will also show a number of surrounding jobs.The number of jobs displayed is controlled by a value in the setup area.


Job sites can also relate to one or more Land/Legal Descriptions. A Land/Legal Description is a composite of up to 15 elements in a specific order. Latitude allows you to define the elements and to create whatever land/legal description types are required.


Land/Legal Descriptions can be entered into Latitude without a reference to a job, or they can be related to any number of jobs. Latitude provides search functionality for Land/Legal Descriptions which will return either the list of matching Land/Legal Descriptions, or the list of jobs the matching legal description/s are related to.


On the "General" tab of a job, other fields exist which an be used to define the area in which the job is in. These are; Local Government, Parish, and County. The labels for these fields may appear differently in your version of Latitude dependent upon the discipline you have selected. The Custom fields functionality allows nearly all labels in Latitude to be altered by the user.